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Title | Principal Artiste | Composers | Lyricist / Date written | Place | Date recorded | Matrix | Label&cat.no. | Additional Information |
779 | All Over Italy (They Sing So Prettily) | Ray Noble and His Orchestra | Butler / Munroe | London | May 24/26, 1933 | OB-6560-1-2-3 | HMV B-6364 , Victor 24388 | Take 1 & 2 rejected with Bowlly Vocals. Take 3 issued with vocals by Ace Roland. Ray Noble directing Max Goldberg (Melophone and trumpet); Bill Shakespeare (trumpet); Lew Davis (trombone); Nat Temple (clarinet, alto saxophone); Bob Wise (clarinet and alto saxophone); Harry Berly (clarinet, tenor sax, viola); 2 violins; Harry Jacobson (piano); Bert Thomas (banjo, guitar); Jack Evetts (string bass); Bill Harty (drums); Rudy Starita (vibraphone and xylophone); Al Bowlly, Max Kester & Ray Noble (vocals). London, May 24, 1933. |
(Butler / Munroe)
Ray Noble and His Orchestra
There is debate about the vocalist on “I'm one Of the Lads of Valencia”; “The Village Band” and “All over Italy”. Is the vocalist Al Bowlly or Ace Roland? Here is a link to Ace Roland singing with Ray Noble. I personally felt it was Al Bowlly on all three tracks. BUT:
The World Records HMV box set also mentions the exact personnel for these sessions, even stating the absence of Lew Davis and Harry Carter from these sessions. This suggest the researchers had access to the HMV archive listings which put Bowlly at these sessions. BUT
According to Rust and Forbes- British Dance Bands 1911-1945. It clearly states that the vocals are by Ace Roland and Max Kester for all three songs and Ray Noble joining in on All over Italy. Interestingly it mentions previous takes of “All over Italy “(Take 1 & 2) which were recorded on the 24 May 1933 and rejected. Al Bowlly, Ray Noble and Max Kester on vocals and speech. Take 3 was issued with the personnel below. I suppose that settles it. Not Bowlly. These earlier takes have not been found yet.
Personnel for May 26, 1933 Ray Noble directing Max Goldberg (Melophone and trumpet); Bill Shakespeare (trumpet); Lew Davis and Tony Thorpe (trombone); Freddy Gardner (clarinet, alto, baritone saxophone); Bob Wise (clarinet and alto saxophone); Harry Berly (clarinet, tenor sax, viola); 2 violins; Harry Jacobson (piano); Bert Thomas (banjo, guitar); Jack Evetts (string bass); Bill Harty (drums); Rudy Starita (vibraphone and xylophone); Ace Roland, Max Kester and Ray Noble (vocals).
Max Kester:
Excuse me sir, there's a little dark,foreign looking blok''''/gentleman to see you?
Ray Noble:
Ah!, just because I'm an agent they think I've got jobs for everyone; show him in
Ace Roland:
Ah!, you are the empresario please
Ray Noble: Yes!
Ace Roland:
I come-a-from Milano to sing to you
You put me in the opera
In the monestry garden, please
Ray Noble:
In the monestry garden
You mean Covent Garden
Ace Roland:
Covent Garden yes!, No!
I will sing for you now
Is it not so please
Ray Noble:
But how do I know you can sing anyway?
Ace Roland:
Oh!, I have a beautiful voice
I sing for you streight away, Ah!
All over Italy
They sing so prettily
Tra-la-la-la. Tra-la-la-la,la-la
In Rome and Napolie
They sing so happily
ra-la-la-la. Tra-la-la-la,la-la
They sing-a-when they walk
They sing-a-when they play
When they feel sad
Or when they feel gay
All over Italy
They sing so prettily
Tra-la-la-la. Tra-la-la-la,la-la
Ray Noble:
Yes!, you'll have to do better than that, though
Ace Roland:
You say that to me?
I have a song before the publics all over the world
Ray Noble:
Outside the publics you mean!
Ace Roland:
Tra-la, la-la-la, la-la-la
Ray Noble:
Yes, well, now sing something in Italian, will you
Ace Roland:
Please señor, You give me now the big fair trial
Ray Noble:
No!, I'll leave that to the judge
Ace Roland: (Act 3 of Verdi's opera Rigoletto)
La donna è mobile
Qual piuma al vento
muta d'accento
e di pensiero
La donna è mobil'
Qual piuma al vento
muta d'accento
e di pensier'
Ray Noble:
Tell me. Do you speak Italian?
Ace Roland:
Si! señor, I am Italian-o
Ray Noble:
Strange, I can't understand a word you say
Ace Roland:
All over Italy
They sing so prettily
Tra-la-la-la. Tra-la-la-la,la-la
Ray Noble: (On phone)
Hello!, Yes darling, of course I'll dine with you
What a pleasure.
Alright we'll go to Genaros'
And have a real Italian dinner
Ace Roland:
In Rome and Napolie
Oh! please you listen to me
I'm singing here for nothing!
I might as well a-sing-a to the brick wall
Oh! please give me a chance
Give a-me-a chance
Give a-me-the great British chance
What you talk about?
Please you no play the cricket
Oh! real Sacra Manto, Sacra Lucho